Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)


As the name suggests, CAI is an interactive and self-learning technique. The content is presented on computer screen and the learner interacts with the computer for learning. It could be offline/online, involving interaction of the student with the contents presented on the computer screen in the form of programmed instruction.

CAI uses a multimedia i.e. combination of text, graphics, sound and video in enhancing the learning process. It is delivered through the use of the computer to facilitate and improve instruction. Important modes of delivery or instructional strategies used in CAI are tutorials, drill and practice, simulation, games, etc.. These are used for presentation of content and assessment of learner understands. Therefore, a typical CAI will have multimedia content, mostly text, multiple choice questions, problems for application, immediate feedback, notes on incorrect response, exercises for practice, and result of learner performance.

Advantages of CAI

The advantages of CAI are:
• Individualized instruction i.e. Learners learn according to their own pace.
• Learning is self-directed as learners decide when, where, and what to learn.
• It motivates learners as they learn at their own way and pace.
• There is freedom to experiment with different options as learner learns individually.
• Immediate feedback to the answers is provided to enhance student learning.
• It provides teacher more time to devote for individual student.
• It helps shy and slow learners to learn as they do not feel awkward and humiliated in front of class.
• Use of multimedia in CAI helps learners to understand difficult concepts through multi sensory approach.

Disadvantages (Limitations) of CAI

In spite of many advantages, CAI has some limitations.
• Lack of adequate infrastructure.
• Non-availability of good CAI packages.
• If not used judiciously, a learner may feel overwhelmed by the information and resources available.
• Tendency of overuse of multimedia which may divert the attention of learner from the content.
• Learning becomes too mechanical.
Computer based learning is not only meant for the normal children but has the capacity to cater to learners with special needs


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